Floor Preparations
About Us
Diamond Grinding  
Shot Blasting

Concrete slab preparation is the single most important element to successfully layer a resin flooring application. It is fundamental to ensure a safe, flat surface regardless of its traffic conditions.

Floor Preparations Pty Ltd will professionally inspect and determine the best concrete slab preparation method suited to your requirements. Existing coatings or curing agents may require complete removal, meanwhile imperfections in the substrate will be mimicked or magnified by sealing over them.

We have an extensive knowledge of concrete slab preparation techniques, including reactive properties, mixing ratio tolerances, temperature and humidity ranges and compatibility with other chemicals present.

Floor Preparations Pty Ltd also specialises in abrasive blasting, priming and various other methods to achieve the optimum surface for floor coatings, cleaning or architectural purposes. Floor Preparations Pty Ltd can clean, smooth, roughen or remove any section of article by the use of an abrasive blast propelled by compression air, steam or by a wheel.

Floor Preparations Pty Ltd will ensure that our concrete treatment and repair services will leave your flooring in a flat, clean and dry condition.

Concrete Slab Preparations
Contact Us
Floor Preparations NSW Pty Ltd
PO Box 1687, Ashfield NSW 2131 | ABN 49 121 148 418
Mobile: 0419 696 658
Email: info@floorpreparations.com.au